How to Create a Pricelist

Create General or Specific Pricelists

In the App drawer screen, in the ‘Sales Cloud’ drawer, click on the ‘Sales’ app.

CloudOffix App Drawer page, Click the Sales App to begin

Fig. 1: CloudOffix App Drawer page, Click the Sales App to begin.

Click ‘Catalog menu, find and select the ‘Pricelists’ menu item.

‘Pricelist’ menu item

Fig. 2: ‘Pricelist’ menu item

On the Pricelists screen, click the ‘New’ button located on the top left of the screen.

Click the ‘New’ button.

Fig. 3: Click the ‘New’ button.

Write a name for the pricelist. This is a mandatory field.

Discount Policy has 2 options:

Discount included in the price: shows the price as a total, including the discounts.

Show public price & discount to the customer: shows the price, plus the discount separately.

Ecommerce Promotional Code: Promotional codes offered to ecommerce customers are stated in this field.

Selectable: Make the pricelist selectable to be used elsewhere

Allow to use on: Allow the use for the pricelist in other places such as website.

New Pricelist Screen

Fig. 4: New Pricelist Screen

Currency: Set the currency for the pricelist.


Fig. 5: Currency

Country Groups: Select the country groups for the pricelist to be applied. Click ‘Add an item’

Country Groups - Add an item

Fig. 6: Country Groups - Add an item

Search, select create country groups for the pricelist to be applied.

Click ‘Select ’to select the country groups that had previously been created. Click ‘Create’ to create a new Country Group.

Select or Create

Fig. 7: Select or Create

Click ‘Add an item’ under the Pricelist Items heading to add the products for which the pricelist is to be applied.

Add an İtem

Fig. 8: Add an İtem

In the pricelist items screen, select specifications such as the Min. Quantity, Start Date, End Date. If Global is selected in the ‘Apply on’ section, the pricelist will be applied to all products in the system.

Pricelist Application Specifications

Fig. 9: Pricelist Application Specifications

If the other items such as ‘Product Category’, ‘Product’, or ‘Product Variant’ are selected, another field will appear, where the items will need to be selected from the dropdown list.

Select Product items

Fig. 10: Select Product items

Price Computation determines the way the overall price is calculated based on the individual product prices.

Fix price: offer a single price for the selected products. For example, for a limited time, all size s/m white t-shirts will be sold at the discounted price of $8.

Percentage Discount: apply a percentage discount based on the individual product prices.

Price Computation

Fig. 11: Price Computation

Formula: Use the formula section to formulate the specific unique discount rate to be applied.

When content with the settings, click ‘Save’.

Create Formulated Prices

Fig. 12: Create Formulated Prices

The new pricelist is now ready for use and is visible in the Pricelists dashboard.

New pricelist is visible in the dashboard

Fig. 13: New pricelist is visible in the dashboard

Congratulations! You have just created a Pricelist!.