Release Notes

September, 2024

Click for the new features made in September 2024.

August, 2024

Click for the new features made in August 2024.

July, 2024

Click for the new features made in July 2024.

June, 2024

Click for the new features made in June 2024.

May, 2024

Click for the new features made in May 2024.

April, 2024

Click for the new features made in April 2024.

March, 2024

Click for the new features made in March 2024.

February, 2024

Click for the new features made in February 2024.

January, 2024

Click for the new features made in January 2024.


September, 2024

What's New
  • AI Integration

    • Each prompt uses own assistant instead of the default assistant
    • Keeping threads is now an option set on ai prompt configuration
    • Purpose field is added to the DM Chat AI Prompt form
    • Auto run on objects and Model selection is hidden for chat prompts
    • Rearranged layout for filling the two columns
    • Allowed multiple train documents
    • Allowed json, xlsx, jpeg and more file types for train data format
    • New model ai.source.config is added. It is for exporting business data for the AI Training
    • Business objects are now passed to the AI with their descriptions in AI Prompt form
    • AI Prompts can now generate, interpret and execute code parts for answering business questions
    • Renamed AI prompts as AI Assistants
    • Added Metadata security under AI Integration header in Settings Module
    • Added auto-scroll to the bottom of the chat on new message arrival for Cloudia
    • No more sharing exception details with AI. (it seems it tries to recover it by itself)
    • Added Graphic response support
    • AI Prompt: By default code_interpreter is enabled for all prompts
    • AI Prompt: “Allowed User groups”, a new setting has been added to the AI Assistant form. This is for restricting users' access to certain assistants
  • Discuss Module

    • Added read only field to Privacy tab of the Discuss channel settings
    • Added two options for who can send messages to a discuss channel
    • Added Owners field to Discuss Channels forms
    • Cloudia chat moved under the new section named Cloudia Channels
    • Provided to create multiple Cloudia channels

  • Email Marketing

    • Results from one mass mailing as the starting point for another campaign is available now. This feature allows you to target specific groups from your previous campaign, like those who didn’t click on the last email.
  • Resource Allocation

    • Excel export icon on the personnel list is placed in Resource Report View
  • Project Module

    • Auto-authorized the user who enables the Sprint Management setting now
  • Recruitment Module

    • Provided auto evaluate in AI Interviews by utilizing AI Prompts
    • Added AI Interview score on the applicant form
    • Added a mass editing option for applications list view
    • Requester only can edit Employee Count and Description fields in Draft and Manager Approval stages on Employee Request form now
    • Recruiter is able to set “Responsible HR” field in Approved stage now. After Approved stage(in
    • Recruitment Process), the field is being read-only again
  • Dashboards

    • Added ability to use code kpis and tiles on dashboards
  • IYS Module

    • Communication Permission Requests menu has been repositioned in the IYS module
  • Calendar Module

    • Added Google Meet Integration
    • Added time-out mechanism to outlook calendar sync
    • Google meeting has been optimized for recurring meetings
  • Live Chat

    • Duration values are calculated in minutes in pivot views in Session Statistics and Operator Analysis Pages currently now
  • App Builder

    • “Redirect to a URL after save” checkbox is available now in Portal Design, which is visible after the enable web access option is checked. When this setting is checked, the URL field is opened and the URL to which the user wants to be redirected can be entered in this field
    • Control Area Placement field is added to adjust buttons top or bottom on the form
  • Settings

    • Mail system improvement: Adding a new capability. System admin can now download mail server log of a message via System/Settings/Messages


  • IYS Module

    • Resolved IYS module bug: where the partner was not being set correctly when creating IYS consents from the contact
  • Website

    • Implemented fallback to translation search for blog post URL resolution
  • Surveys Module

    • Users were not able to review their survey answer if there is a comment field as an answer choice for Multiple choice: only one answer questions
  • Settings Module

    • The problem that removing a role from the User Roles header makes no difference to the user in terms of authorization
  • Mobile

    • Mobile notifications were not working as aimed
  • App Builder

    • Newly created workflow in a model, and a portal view is created for this model, a selection field named state was generated in the form of the portal view. Currently, this field is displayed hidden when a portal design opens and can be removed from the view
    • Visual glitches in Portal Views used in Safari Browser when date is selected from date and date-time pickers
    • "False" expression is not working for a Boolean field in Default Value by App Builder
  • CRM Module

    • Time-out error occurs while sending conditional second Follow-up triggered on a lead due to campaign is started on another Lead
  • Subscription Module

    • Wrong date was written on invoice lines in renewal orders
  • AI Integration

    • Closing a chat does not delete the thread
    • Some "Awaiting response from AI agent..." messages get stuck
  • General

    • Receiving unusual location warning when trying to log in to the same database(trail db) if changing browser or device
    • Error occurs when editing date picker field after typing a text in description or any other field is set

August, 2024

What's New
  • Discuss Module

    • Provided preview feature for xlsx format in Discuss Module. Currently, the feature works also for docx, png, jpeg, mp4, pdf
    • Voice recording is limited to 15 minutes
    • AI Agent channel name and icon have been change
  • Email Marketing

    • X is replaced with an image with a transparent background to be able to change the background color of the X icon in Email Marketing Module
    •  All my-text elements now have a font-family attribute by default
    •  All mjml-buttons and mjml-links have a font attribute by default now
  • SMS Marketing

    • Link tracker records is created automatically when sending sms content with a link
    • Removed Link Tracker menu item from SMS Marketing
    • Placeholders is generated when sending Test SMS now
  • AI Integration

    • AI prompt can be trained with a knowledge base now
    • Provided allow AI prompt to be re-trained
    • Added restriction that training documents can only be in PDF format
    • Train document added previously  is deleted from open-AI upon uploading a new train document
    •  Active field added for AI Prompt
    • “Suggest an answer” button is added to mail composers for all models
    • Switched to the new Chat-GPT model gpt-4o-mini for all AI utilities
    • Increased max image limit we submit to the AI to 2560px for a better OCR results
    • Train Status field is added to show the status of the train documents attached to the prompt
      • AI Transcribe Improvement
        • Limiting chunks
        • Handling whisper API timeouts to prevent overcharges
  • Support Tickets

    • Similar tickets stat button is added on Tickets form and sorted by number of matching tags
  • OKR Module

    • Added “All Key Results” and “All Objectives” menu items for OKR managers
  • Project Module

    • Added schedule an activity feature on the chatter of the Risks model in Project Module
  • Calendar Module

    • The first day of the week is adjustable in Calendar view now
  • Connect Meeting Logs

    • Allowing deleting the video attached to the meeting log
  • Marketing Automation Module

    • If segments are scheduled in the future automations, they start automatically currently
    • Marketing automation is synchronized the segment when it starts automatically
    • Added Sending SMS as a Marketing Automation Activity Type
  • Dashboard

    • Added pareto support to highcharts
  • Recruitment Module

    • Expire date is added to AI Interview form
    • HR AI Recruitment Agent
      • Added a new option for the recruiter to select whether the answer transcript should be sent to the candidate
      • Chatter is added for the Schedule. Two automated messages are added. The messages are sent when the candidate starts and completes the interview
      • Allowing visiting the interview link after completion (it shows a message to the user they about have completed the interview)
      • Customized the questions per candidate, mocha expression support and, on-the-fly audio generating
      • AI Response during the interview
      • Added default ai interview schedule email template
      • Auto creation of AI interviews is implemented. It can be configured on stages. A new email template is added for sending out interview invitation email

  • Resource Allocation

    • Unscheduled stat button is placed right side of scheduled stat button in Resource Allocation Report view
  • Import/Export customization improvement

    • Better error messages for the error while creating new fields
    • In some cases, when there is a field with a complex compute code, an exception with the error of "KeyError:7" might be received.  This is due to it references itself and there might be some record loaded in the cache. An since those records does not have the new field, back referencing itself might raise the error??
  • Website

    • Added .webp format to Website
  • General

    • Attachment menu now opens up the document viewer for xlsx and docx attachments and a download link is added for both docx viewer and xlsx viewer
    • Added Pinned messages toggle to view pinned messages in the chatter
    • Trial accounts are restricted. Users must provide their company email when creating a trial account and verify this email address within the first hour after registration
  • Mobile

    • HR AI Interview
      • Responsive design for mobile devices


  • Resource Allocation

    • It is not necessary to refresh to see new custom filter now
    • Overtime calculation is not working properly in Resource Allocation Report view
  • Discuss Module

    • Bug that file type sent or upload in relevant field by a user with employee/employee authorization is displayed as itself format instead of text/plain
    • Moderator authority is not assigned to participants according to a specific logic in the video call process in Cloudoffix Connect Meeting
  • SMS Marketing

    • A mass SMS in the Sending stage, was appearing in the Sent stage. Now state is not display on 'Sent' stage until all SMS are sending
    • Bug that when only SMS content includes a link, clicked stat button is visible
  • Website

    • Background image cannot be saved for Shop Page, Home Page, Contact us Page, Support Page
    • Contact us page has left justified title
    • Bug that non-close Promote SEO dialog
    • Added breadcrumb feature to portal pages
  • Settings

    • Receiving a warning "you are not authorized" as soon as users register on the site due to new portal user has no authority
  • Email Marketing Module

    • Older Outlook versions no longer include font declaration in the mail body to prevent Turkish character errors
    • Auto share to post popup for X and Facebook links are disabled
  • Surveys Module

    • Bug that survey cannot be shared as private invitation without adding a user to the "existing contact" field to the contacts added to the "list of emails" field
    • Survey attempts limit error
  • Calendar Module

    • User has Employees/employee authorization cannot use iCalendar feature
  • General

    • Many2one widget's search more function shows only 160 records even there are more than 160 records
    • During the creation of a new stat button on a new model might raise an error due to 'None' order by field
    • Prevented multiple portal users from having the same email address

July, 2024

What's New
  • iCalendar

    • Synchronizes deletion of events from external sources
    • If external source reports a timezone info now we use it for all day events
    • No more imports past events from other sources
    • Properly creates recurrent events and reflects updates
    • Only updates the event updated on external source if the last-modified-date field exists in the
    • iCal data we received
    • iCalendar no more deletes past events even though they are not included the latest list fetched from the source
  • 360 Appraisal

    • The link in the template has been colored and made more visible for users who receive the 360 ​​evaluation survey notification in the Discuss module
  • Settings

    • Prevented to delete default activity types
  • OKR

    • Added weight to Key Results
  • AI

    • Now we have a dedicated menu called AI Integrations
    • AI runs menu is also added under AI Integrations
    • Can submit binary field to the AI prompt references
    • Can submit non-attachment binary fields to AI prompt references
    • Can submit any many2one field to AI prompt
    • Can submit many2many and many2many fields to AI prompt if they cary attachments
    • Changes the label of the Run button on AI prompt
    • Auto generates transcripts for recordings attached to connect meeting logs
    • The ability to create transcripts for long meetings (over 90 minutes). We now split audio track into maximum of 25mb parts in order to comply API limits
    • Text to speech function is added for AI prompt
  • IVR

    • Added logout reasons to Inteliex VoIP
    • Added a context for customization flexibility
    • Added grandstream IVR API
    • Adds confirmation before click2call
    • Added rules for logout reasons
    • Changed the computation of IVR status
  • Microsoft Calendar Integration

    • Allowing the user to delete/edit the events synched from outlook after the user disables the synchronization
  • Google Calendar Integration

    • Preventing editing events synched from Google like Outlook integration
    • If the user disables google integration by clearing out refresh token, user is allowed to delete the events synched from Google
  • CloudOffix Connect

    • A new endpoint is added for CloudOffix Connect to upload recordings
    • Recordings are auto named with current date
    • Associated the connect meeting log with the related users for further security developments
    • New menu for all employees to access their meeting logs if they were a participant
    • Adding record rules for Connect meetings, Connect meetings sessions, Connect meetings record (transcripts)
    • Auto adding the current user as a participant when they created a new meeting
  • Customization Tools

    • Ability to change default order of custom models
  • Calendar

    • Support for changing start time or end time for a recurrent meeting
  • Dashboards

    • Ability to create dashboard chart by Python codes
    • New global filter
    • Global filter placeholder, retrieving filter data
    • Properly rendering many2one and char fields
    • Tracking filter change, persisting many2one field value inside the widget
    • Filter mapping UI
    • Building filters for rpc call
    • Many2many filter type support
    • Styling for new global filters section
    • Filter Mapping tab changed to Global Filter Mapping
    • Adding date and datetime field support
    • Adding boolean field support
    • Stores and remembers last used global filters
    • Adding security
    • Apply button is not be visible if global filter is not defined
  • Project- Timesheet

    • Delivered quantities are recalculated when task's billable property changes
  • General

    • We have changed the Media Upload's widget delete function. Previously, deleting an item from the gallery also deleted the attachment. Now, it just hides it
  • App Builder

    • Disable Quick Create, Disable Creation and Disable Opening options should be added to Tags (many2many)
  • Discuss

    • Setting a 20 min limit for voice messages in chats
  • Marketing Automation

    • Schedule in the Future field added to marketing campaign


  • Frontend designer

    • When a model has a name field that has a reference to the state field in python code, creating a default view for the model fails due to the frontend designer trying to create a plain empty view with the name field only. Now we include the state field if it exists by default
  • Survey

    • Problem that the questionnaire can be answered again when the survey link is accessed
    • Incorrect calculation of the score value of the survey result due to the comment field set for the answer in the survey
    • Incorrect template that appears after the survey is filled out by public users
    • Bug in attempt limits check
  • Queue Job

    • Permission error that causes the system to try creating an identification token for the partner created during importation.
  • App Builder

    • CK Editor is not secure warning on App Builder while entering a note
  • Marketing Automation

    • Email sent, reply, open count logic
  • IVR

    • Some users might not have agent ids and can click2call without logins
  • Support

    • Round robin was not working when the category was updated
    • If the tickets are merged, a new assignee was selected with round robin algorithm unexpectedly
  • Discuss

    • Chrome update causing users to be unable to record voice in chats
    • The voice record symbol does not turn into the send button when the emoji is selected
  • Calendar

    • When the user updates the start date by enabling "this and following" button in the master of recurrent meetings, the start date of the entire series should change accordingly
  • Expense

    • When expenses were generated with chatgpt 4, prices were incorrectly assigned
    • If there is a discount on the receipt when the rows are discarded separately, it should be written in the description field
  • iCalendar

    • Recurrent meetings that started in the past and will continue after today cannot be imported with iCal synch
  • General

    • Long URLs on the fields cannot be exported
    • Many2manytags widget ignores no_create no_quick_create flags
    • Printing docx report raises an error on ios devices
    • Removes the overlay coming from another module after chatter paste/drop
    • iPad Pro users cannot get a pdf report from inside the Cloudoffix app
  • Employees

    • Setting an employee's parent to a subordinate employee in deep level causes infinite loop while building organizational chart
  • Admin Panel

    • Domain updated for model and state workflow fields on Admin panel
  • Purchase

    • Added missing delivery.status model's ACL

June, 2024

What's New
  • Sms Marketing

    • Updated the warning content as “Please select an SMS provider in the General Settings and fill in the integration details” when SMS Provider is not set in General Settings
    • Schedule date field has been added to the view
    • SMS Unsubscribe page is improved
    • Send Now button name is renamed as Send
    • Send button is visible now only in Draft stage on mass SMS form
    • Test SMS, Send and Retry button was placed respectively on mass SMS form
    • The last SMS Marketing is placed at the top in Kanban view
  • Calendar Module

    • iCalendar
      • iCalendar subscriptions: Notifies the use if there are no changes
      • Calendar ical improvement: A cron job is added for auto synchronizations of icalendar configurations. It runs every 60 minutes
      • We no more import attendees from the external sources
      • No more exporting the events from other sources such as Outlook, Google Calendar etc.
      • Property of the events(private, public, confidentials) can be exported
    • A new search float_time widget added for time fields in the format if HH:mm. Previously a float field would be rendered when the user selects a time field
    • A new search float_time widget added for also advanced domain editor too
    • Connect log field is visible when creating a meeting is enabled with CloudOffix Connect
  • Email Marketing

    • Mass mailing improvement: Added a server level parameter for disabling mass mailing batch mode (disable_mass_mailing_batches) ???????
  • Recruitment Module

    • Removed Remarks from chatter in Job Application AI scoring and added under AI tab on Job Application form
    • Provided to set the CV added when applying for a job from the website to the CV field under AI tab
  • AI Integration

    • AI Improvement:
      • Switched the new engine gpt-4o now
      • Switched new openAI API version v2
      • Reworking of all expense interpretation logic
      • Importing incoming expense emails by using gpt4o
      • Provided to scan the bills, to correct the amount of products and automatically detects products based on GPT 4o mvp invoices
      • AI processing of CVs adapted to v2 openAI API
      • Shows an informative error message if the AI response could not be parsed
  • Mobile

    • Search toggle button for models that only have a list view is available now
  • General

    • AI Tokens are now displayed on the dashboard divided by 1000 (with an affix k)
      Added the functionality for click2call with Inteliex


  • Calendar Module

    • When the parent of recurrent event not in the list Apple Calendar duplicates all occurrences on each synch calls
    • We include write date in ics payload for Apple calendar due to it looks at the last-modified date field to re-import an event
    • Removed unnecessary gap displayed on Calendar Kanban view when scrolling to the right of the page
    • Permission error on enabling iCal export for regular users
  • SMS Marketing Module

    • When SMS is sent again with the mailing list contains an unsubscribed contact via Unsubscribe link includes in SMS, sms will no longer be sent because that person is opt-out
  • Email Marketing Module

    • Some social elements in the responsive mail editor unexpectedly redirect to the post popup
  • Recruitment Module

    • AI Score Status of CVs coming from outside Cloudoffix is marked as Pending now
      Error received when there is no extension in the file name sent during AI calculation
  • General

    • Bug causes that starting the voice message record when clicked on Log button firstly without typing a text on chatter
    • Changed the content of Event Registration Email Template
    • New SMS Provider named as L-SİM MMC added for Azerbaijan
    • Fixed Sentry error: "null value in column "user_id" of relation "mail_activity" violates not-null constraint
  • Mobile

    • Visual glitch causing overflow of voting users' information in the poll padding on mobile devices
  • App Builder

      • Frontend Improvements
    • A one2many field may not properly display the display name of the record if the form is being called by a server action
    • Many2many editings are not being reflected to the view
    • One2many widget bug: User tries to edit a record on the one2many widget and if there is a
    • form validation error, user could not close the dialog, the form stucks at the screen
    • Provided One2many read-only mode for Frontend
    • Turning on/off bypass permission causes the list being not rendered correctly
      • Backend Improvements
    • Error on switching to the search view on Calendar events

May, 2024

What's New
  • App Builder

    • Frontend designer improvement:

      • Multi language support

      • A new translatable "menu entry" field is added for editing custom documents menu entry on my portal. This field also used for displaying breadcrumb for the custom documents

      • UI Elements are now translatable

      • Required by domain and Readonly by domain support are added

      • “Search more” function is added

  • Employees
    • Hierarchical tree view

      • Action menu is hidden by default
  • Resource Allocation

    • Resource Report View

      • Added previous/next function to the Year/Quarter filters

      • Marked under capacity resources with a red background

      • Added Quarters view mode for this, last, next year options

  • Email Marketing

    • Responsive Email Editor Improvement

      • The color picker remembers last used colors

    • Updated the radio buttons as Followers of Lead/Applicants, Internal Email Address and External Email Address in the Reply to field under the Options tab in the mass mailing form

    • Implemented the input field in Reply to field under Option tab set as active user’s email when the External Email Address radio button is enabled

    • Implemented the input field in Reply to field under Option tab is invisible when the Followers of Leads/Applicants radio button is enabled

  • Website

    • Improvement on Event Register page style

  • Mobile

    • The action menu on the form view is now invisible when there is no visible buttons under it

  • General

    • Import performance improvement

      • Audit logs are no longer created during the data import to speed up the process

      • The "created by X user message" are no longer posted to the chatter during the import

  • Contacts

    • Added function that is required for generating QR with customizations

  • AI Integration

    • Positioned AI Prompts page under Configuration header in Recruitment Module which is that listed the system prompts associated with Recruitment application

    • The created custom prompts can be selected from the drop-down list that opens when the Custom AI Prompt checkbox is ticked under AI tab in the Job Position

    • Created a tab named AI under the Application form and moving AI Score Status, AI Score fields under the tab

    • Added Calculate AI Score action as a button under AI tab of Application form and removed under Action header

    • Added a new Job Description Source selection field under the AI tab in Job Position form

    • Updated the warning content as "There is no CV in PDF/Word format in the attachments. Please add CV in the specified formats and try again." to clarify the absence of PDF or Word attachments

  • Events Module

    • The auto-delete feature of the invitation email templates that are automatically sent to the participants after each registration is disabled by default

  • Appraisal Module

    • Appraisal App customization improvement: Allowing adding new goals based on custom states (If the appraisal state is a custom state, user can add new goals)

  • Calendar

    • The name of the Document button in Calendar has been changed to Related Record button

  • OKR

    • Removed Old Level Confidence column under KR History tab

  • SMS Marketing

    • "My SMS Marketing" default filter is removed from the SMS Marketing kanban view

  • iCalendar

    • An easy to use feature for all calendar integrations

    • User's iCalendar token is now secured


  • Email Marketing

    • Provided auto-save function for text blocks in new Email Marketing Editor

    • Inability to import of mailing list recipients

  • App Builder

    • Prevented opening app builder when the user language is not english

    • Frontend designer fix

      • An error raises when the invisibility domain contains id=1 expressions

      • Creating a new frontend design fails with an error 'name' field is required

      • Dropdown menus may get clipped by the dialog boundaries when they placed to the bottom of the form

  • Scoring

    • Store field’s calculation in lead and contact scoring has been fixed

  • Recruitment Module

    • A bug that caused sending a quiz every time a change was saved

  • Support Module

    • The ticket opened email was not included in the history because it did not have a subtype and also wrong ticket id was sent to the reply email
    • When the user typed a comment from the portal, due to users saw it as the last message the cc's could not be set properly
    • The attachment added to the ticket answered by the staff cannot be displayed under the Attachments menu heading
  • Settings

    • A warning appears as <"You are already impersonating a user. Please log out first.">  when the current user is trying to impersonate someone second time via created custom model

    • Having multiple role definitions did make the roles impossible to edit. Adding or removing a user is possible now

    • Context has been added so that the internal user cannot be portal, public, employee group at the same time

    • "+iCal/Outlook" button on event mail templates guide users to 404 page

  • General

    • A bug causes the "by partner" search to time out and an error occurred on the Support tickets, Leads, Project/Tasks, Invoices pages

  • OKR

    • If an Initial Number is defined, It should be set to Actual Number Old Value in the first row under KR History

  • SMS Marketing
    • Preventing to send SMS to recipients when SMS opt-out fields are enabled on Contact form
    • The stat button Clicked should only be visible in the SMS Marketing form if the content contains a link
  • Subscription

    • Subscription autopay cron was only working for one invoice

  • Calendar

    • Prevent the (Related) Document button from appearing when in Edit mode in a calendar meeting

  • Outlook Integration

    • The error returned from Microsoft services was hidden. Now the error message properly displayed to the user
  • Microsoft Calendar Integration

    • Properly receives and creates recurrent events

    • Prevent creating two master event (Microsoft sends two entry for the master)

    • Past events are not sent to MS because MS Outlook automatically deletes them and sends an event deletion

    • Editing an occurrence with "This and Following Events" selection would break all occurrences

    • Editing the duration value of a recurrent child event causes a full regenerating of recurrent events

    • Editing the duration value of a recurrent child event updates subsequent occurrences but not updates the end date

  • Google Calendar Integration

    • Fetching an update from Google 'this record only'

    • Fetching a deletion of an occurrence from Google 'this record only'

    • Updating 'All events' in a serie

  • Inventory

    • Importing products with attributes fails with a singleton error

April, 2024

    What's New
  • Email Marketing Module

    • New responsive checkbox is added on the mass mail form to switch .mjml

    • Responsive mode is selected by default

    • 9 templates are added in responsive email editor as options

    • When the user uses a mail list that contains an invalid email address for mass mailing, the batches may fail

    • Social group elements’ icons updated (X,Instagram,Facebook

  • Employees Module

    • Enable newly added feature using attribute expanded="1" to see the entire tree view expanded

    • New attribute is added for rendering select checkboxes beside each row hierarchical tree view

    • Action menu support is added for hierarchical tree view

  • Contacts Module

    • OpenAI GPT-4-vision-preview is now used instead of the beta version for Business Card Scanner

  • Job Queue

    • Executes multiple batches on each cron job runs now while import Queue process

    • Bug causing cron jobs to fail to process before 5 attempts

  • Mobile App

    • Added check not to lose previous action and menu_id if they exists

  • Resource Allocation

    • A new "Total Timesheets" column is added to the "By Resource" tab in Resource Report View

    • Added two new columns to the By Project tab. "Scheduled" column shows total resource allocation and "Total Timesheets" column show total timesheets entered for the project

    • Added new quick date range selectors to Resource view: This quarter, Last quarter, Next quarter, This year, Last year

    • The cells on "By Project" tab are now clickable for accessing relevant records easily in Resource Report View

  • E-learning

    • SCROM file support

    • SCORM: Preventing insecure symlinks

    • Removed calculation of PDF Files’ duration to prevent on-change calls on each uploads for E-learning Performance

  • AI Integration

    • System prompts can be customizable under Settings/Technical/Database Structure for AI services

    • AI assistant is added to Html Editor to form texts in better versions such as informative, friendly, urgent, custom, or etc.

    • Added new AI tool, fixing spelling and grammar errors

    • Added an AI agent channel to Discuss Module

    • AI agent can read PDF files and answer the questions from Discuss Module

    • The input and output prompts of AI can reference the object in the database using mako notations like ${}

    • CV scoring auto process is provided using HR AI


  • Discuss Module

    • Inability sending same file again from direct message channels to another user or same user

  • OKR Module

    • Key results progress value could not calculate on Objective form although Key Result progresses are different from 0

    • Inability to display KR history logs under KR History tab on mobile devices as desired

    • Since the OKR Key result owner is a many2many field, it cannot be used in Dashboards before

  • Marketing Automation Module

    • Users without Settings authorization can now use "Create Task" activity in marketing automation

  • Email Marketing Module

    • Prevented sending mass mailing without email of From field in mass mailing form

  • Sales Module

    • “Accept and sign online” button is guided the customer to an error page
    • Displaying a user with only Sales/Manager access right as if they have the authority to access Vendor/Bills records in the Vendor Bills Access Permission List
  • Subscription Module

    • Inability to display subscription lines on mobile devices as desired

  • Leaves Module

    • Approved allocations cannot be rejected if they are for the entire company

  • Support Module

    • The comment the customer enters from the portal does not affect the stage of the ticket

  • Resource Allocation
    • Resource view now stores which filters are checked and restores them
  • Website

    • Support staff replies are not visible for the portal users

    • Support staff close messages are not visible for the portal users

    • Emails that are sent by customer to a ticket are not visible on the portal

  • Website

    • Customers cannot register the system after shopping

    • Displaying the close button in the website even if the support ticket is closed

    • The comment the customer enters in a support ticket from the portal does not affect the stage of the ticket

    • Portal user cannot add attachment to ticket from portal

  • Settings

    • Google Calendar Tutorial link that leading to 404 error page in General Settings
  • General

    • Users have Public, Portal and Employee access rights at the same time is prevented

    • Internal users home action preference was not taken into account when logged in to the system with SAML function

    • Timeout error when there are lot of page visit records ie. more than 15m

  • App Builder

    • Date, DateTime, Integer, Boolean, Multiline text, Html Widget types are not able to make read-only for Portal by App builder

March, 2024

    What's New
  • Contacts Module

    • Provided automatic contact creation from business cards with Artificial Intelligence

  • Cloudoffix Connect Meeting

    • CloudOffix now passes the user name and email to the CloudOffix Connect Meetings

  • Customization

    • Added export-import mechanism

      • All of the customizations made on the database or model-based customizations, including all fields, menus, views, actions, etc. can be exported and imported to another database.

  • Employees Module

    • Hierarchical-tree-view is added to Employees Module

      • Tree view can call button actions

      • Tree view: Support for invisible attributes for the buttons

      • Tree view supports multiple models for a view (ie hr.department for tree skeleton and for the leaves)

      • Clickable attribute feature is added

  • Settings Module

    • Added Open AI Key field under Integrations group in General Settings

  • Email Marketing Module

    • Added a color picker function to the Theme Colors(for buttons) field in Email Marketing Module

    • Added color picker to select desired color for background of Email Marketing Template

  • Mobile

    • Default notification sound added for IOS devices

    • Mobile notifications are provided for Calendar reminders

  • General

    • User can create activity to other users from quick creation now

    • Provided company based Microsoft Teams and Zoom setups for databases with multi-company feature is activated

    • Picking custom color for the selected text is now uses the general pickColor function instead of custom dialog


  • Calendar Module

    • Inability to update the meeting time by attendees of collective meeting type

    • Visibility of Reschedule button in invitation mail is changed to view by only third-party users

  • Recruitment Module

    • Making a note in chatter as if the mail is going to someone, when the applicant is not set on the Application form

  • Surveys Module

    • Asterisk icon (*) slides down for the mandatory questions in Surveys Module

    • Extending Question field to the right side of the page when question names are long in Survey Module

    • Inability to duplicate feature on newly added HTML fields(Question and Choice) in Survey Module

    • Auto-focus feature of cursor is disabled for the answers in Surveys Module

  • Substitution

    • The problem where the same user could not give same group authorization to two different users at the same time with the substitution feature

  • App Builder

    • Error occurred when there is an attachment (ir.attachment) field in the lines of the many2one field added to a custom model

    • Removing default filters by App builder causes an error

  • OKR Module

    • Viewing unnecessarily Actual number field under Progress group from Key Results form for "Achieved or not (%100/0%)" Key Result Type

  • Resource Allocation Module

    • The problem that when a user deletes recurring meetings with the This and the following allocation button, somehow some other users' allocations are also deleted

  • Leaves

    • Inability of creating "leave" and those with leave type "other" are not allowed simultaneously

  • Mobile

    • After closing a dialog form that is opened from another dialog form breaks the scroll mechanism of the parent dialog form

    • Inability redirecting push notifications the users to the related record on Mobile

  • Support Module

    • Support staff replies are not visible for the portal users

    • Support staff close messages are not visible for the portal users

    • Emails that are sent by customer to a ticket are not visible on the portal

  • Website

    • We previously blocked guest checkout with existing emails in our database. Now, users can complete purchases as guests even with existing email addresses

  • General

    • Creating a record from base automation or cron that has a workflow may raise an error like 'ValueError

    • Having users of portal and employee access rights at the same time

    • Error occurred when trial db’s unique name generation may fail rarely

February, 2024

    What's New
  • App Builder

    • Performance improvement

    • App Builder license can be enabled/disabled from the saas portal

  • Subscription

    • Added Subscription History tab to Subscriptions

  • General

    • Substitution

      • Substitution first working logic

      • Substitution now supports xml groups

      • Substitution state now stored in the session

      • New substitution logic with a better performance

      • New substitution logic now properly handles inherited groups

      • Record rules: Writable for the owner, readable for the substitute

      • Ensures that a group that the main user does not have not being attached to the target user

      • Adds "Substitutions" menu item under the top user menu

      • User field is auto filled and readonly

      • A scheduled job is added for disabling expired substitutions

      • Try now page now suggest a db name automatically filled

      • A new option for HTML Widget

      • Many2many_tags and Many2many_tags_email widgets now allows the user to select multiple records at once

      • Security checks are added for Cloudoffix Connect API

    • Turkish Translation Update

    • Custom script support is added for the tree view

    • Documentation is added for custom tree view renderers and, adding a script block directly into a Tree view

    • Survey

      • Allows the users set a custom style for the questions

      • Html editor for the survey question now takes less space without any border

      • Html editor is added for answer options

      • value_html and question_html fields are added to survey labels and survey questions for frontend usage

      • Multiple and single choice survey questions labels supports html

      • Simplifed html editor widget no more shows view code button

      • Html editor drop down menus are not accessible in a small dialogs like survey answers

      • Answer dialog form redesigned, all widgets are now full width

    • Recruitment

      • Send Quiz Survey field located under Automated Actions header on Stage form

    • Resource Allocation

      • Resource Report View

        • Scale labels

        • Scheduled bars

        • KPI labels

        • UI elements

        • Next-prev buttons

        • Filtering by resources

        • Date range selector

        • Custom date range

        • Daily and weekly mode

        • New view icon

    • Resource view filter button now lists saved filters

      • Selecting a saved filters no more closes the drop down

      • Selected saved filters are now marked with a check mark

    • Billable, unbillable representation mvp

    • Scheduled bar, billable and unbillable bars are now clickable

      • The dialog shows the related records

    • Billable and non-billable totals

    • Filter button lists saved filters like the resource view do

    • A table view added to the bottom of the resource report view for displaying the details of the report by resources

    • Sorting for the resource table

    • Adds scheduled ratio, billable ratio and non-billable ratio columns to the table

    • Clickable cells for accessing related records

    • Adds project tab

    • Project tab sorting, scroll boxes for long lists

    • Sticky headers

    • Connect Meetings Logs

      • A detailed logs for CloudOffix Connect is added

      • The list is accessible from Calendar/Config/Meeting

      • Last activity column added to list view

      • Default filter is now 'Has Activity' for the meeting log list

      • "Online Meeting duration" and "Online Meeting Delay" fields are added into the Connect tab

      • A chatter message is automatically logged after a meeting gets completed


  • Subscription
    • subscription_total_change field incorrect calculation
    • Subscription unlink error
  • OKR
    • Is a Vendor and Internal Reference criteria are moved under Engagement Criteria Type
  • Scoring
    • Module cannot be upgraded in a db with 5k or more partner
  • Substitution
    • Substitution menu appears twice for some databases
    • Searching user groups raises a permission error
    • Clicking the Substitutions menu auto-closes the app drawer if open
  • General
    • A bug that causing incorrect sorting and record limiting on calendar event views
    • A many2many field of a custom model cannot be added to a chart
    • Displaying "Request timed out" warning popup while creating Trial accounts
    • Double clicking on the calendar no more opens two dialogs
    • AttributeError: 'ir.http' object has no attribute '_ensure_cookie_set' error on offline chat message
  • Resource Allocation
    • Resource Report View
      • The style when there are too many columns
      • A bug that causes the last resource domain set from the other tab not being applied
      • No more negative values in unscheduled box
      • Rounds statistics
        • Related dialog domain to avoid next day's records from being shown
      • When there are no records, percentage values might be printed as NaN
  • Connect Meetings Logs
    • An error while creating a recurrent event
  • Calendar
    • When the new button was pressed multiple times it didn't seem like a all day due to the difference in seconds in the moment
  • Recruitment
    • The problem of ability to add guests to the meeting where applicants set up the time of job interview on the shared calendar
    • Inability to set the privacy of the meetings created through Applicant form as "Only me"
    • Adds warning to send quiz button when applicant field is blank
    • Incorrect meeting count on recruitment form
    • When a calendar appointment meeting is rescheduled via button on invitation email, the main calendar event structure is broken

January, 2024

     What's New
  • Website
    • Each frontend design now have their own action object instead of using the common one
    • Re-designed the Mailing Subscriptions page for Unsubscribe template on Portal
    • Provided the availability of workflows in the Portal
  • Resource Allocation Module
    • Resource Allocation record name is generated automatically as "Assigned to - Start Date" format now
  • Contacts Module
    • Added the feature to the new contact card to scan a business card
    • Opt-out fields on contact and crm cards now became trackablE
  • Support Module
    • Added the Round-Robin Assignment field to Settings of Support Module
    • Optimized accessibility of fields in the support ticket form in Console via DevTools based on Employees/Employee authorization
  • Email Marketing Module
    • Replaced twitter(bird) icon with X icon in Email Marketing Module
    • Users can select custom text color in website editor of Email Marketing now by clicking plus icon (color picker)
  • CRM Module
    • Lead Scoring checkbox is removed from Settings of CRM Module
    • Provided displaying the field that is opt-out on the contact card is also as opt-out on the Lead form
    • Opt-out fields on contact and crm cards now became trackable
  • Project Module
    • Sprint Management checkbox can be activated or deactivated by admin user now
    • Sprint Management model can be installed via Settings of Project Module
  • Discuss Module
    • Added anonymous voting feature on Discuss channel
  • App Builder
    • Added "Bypass Permission Checks" option to Cloudoffix App Builder to skip all permission checks for that field
    • Provided Allow Portal users checkbox in related workflow under Admin Panel is clicked automatically when "Enable web access" and "Show in my portal" checkboxes are clicked in App Builder
    • Provided stat buttons server side support in App Builder
    • Default values now properly filled upon creating new record for the users navigated through the stat buttons
  • OKR Module
    • Added My Objectives and My Key Results filters to OKR Module
  • SMS Marketing Module
    • SMS content can now be changed when a template is selected in SMS marketing
  • Subscription Module
    • Added archiving feature to Subscription Module
  • Calendar Module
    • Activated the new recurrent meeting feature
    • Added a new model to keep Cloudoffix Connect Meetings separately in the system
  • Cloudoffix Mobile App
    • Portal users can login on mobile app
    • Removed the structure that portal users can navigate between the pages of the site when they log in from the mobile application
    • Reduced the height of My Portal header on Mobile
  • General
    • A utility function is added for requesting new ssl certificate for mailgun tracking urls
    • Added new country states
    • Removed Collaborative Pads module installation field from module settings
    • Added frontend access settings views under Technical menu item. All employees and Portal users have only read access, Admins have the full access in this way

  • Fixed
  • SMS Marketing

    • Recipient count is able to view even though recipient is added with only partner info

  • Calendar Module

    • Viewing “Only the owner can edit the meeting type” error on portal

    • An error that If attendees and owners are same, appointment module can't find an available slot

    • An invitation mail is sent to customer when a recurring meeting deleted

    • Date error occurred when a recurring meeting creating via Meeting stat button of the related form

  • Live Chat Module

    • The problem of not grouping by Operator only internal users are and not displaying in the filtering area in "Session Statistics" and "Operator Analysis Page" in Live Chat Module

  • E-learning Module

    • Bug stopping the Vimeo working due to sending referrer header
  • App Builder

    • Moved "Visible On Portal" javascript logic from Live chat module to app builder module to prevent getting reference error in db's where app builder is not installed

    • A bug causing a custom user group to be removed on app builder upgrades

    • The problem of the project's visibility in the Portal by all employees in the company associated with the customer If the privacy field is set to "Visible to following customers"

    • The user receives an authorization error if the checklist field is added in Task to the portal view

  • Email Marketing Module

    • UThe problem of failure to display the X icon when dragging and dropping templates to the mail body in the Email Marketing Module

  • Discuss Module

    • Bug accidentally recorded voice recording from being sent to someone else

  • Project Module

    • The problem that all employees associated with the customer in the company can view the project even if they are not project followers

  • OKR Module

    • Inability of new employee can see Session or Objective created with All company option

  • General

    • Occurred “Domain Error: This domain is not supported”

    • Groups granting admin privileges to the user unexpectedly

    • Bug causes while processing email tracking, the system may find an incorrect partner because it uses a search operator instead of equality. For example, while we search we may incorrectly find

    • An exception 'you have already voted' on anonymous voting from a floating chat

  • Cloudoffix Mobile App

    • Custom documents form views are not being rendered on native ios devices