Overview: The introduction of anonymous voting in the Discuss channel encourages open and unbiased participation, allowing users to express opinions without revealing their identity.
Benefits: This feature fosters honest and uninhibited feedback in discussions. Users may feel more comfortable sharing their perspectives, leading to more candid and valuable contributions to discussions without fear of judgment or bias.
How it works?
- Go to Discuss App in Marketing Cloud
-Go to a channel (1) (private or public) and click plus icon (2) (By the way, of course you can also send surveys by direct message :)). After click “Poll” option (3)
You can write your question to Question field (1). In the Option field, you can add the options for the question (2). You can check the "Anonymous Voting" option to provide more convenient sharing options (3)
-Ta-daa! It is now impossible to see who voted for which option.
Warning : Poll cannot be Multi Selection and Anonymous Voting at the same time.