How to Create a Project

Learn How to Create Projects in CloudOffix 

Beginning with the App Drawer Screen, Click on ‘Project’ App Located in the ‘Project Cloud’ Drawer

CloudOffix App Drawer page, Click the Project App to begin.

Fig. 1: CloudOffix App Drawer page, Click the Project App to begin.

Then Click the ‘New’ button on the top left of the screen.

The ‘New’ button.

Fig. 2: The ‘New’ button.

Enter the Project Name, which is a mandatory field

Mandatory fields

Fig. 3: Mandatory fields

Select a Project Status from the drop down list menu. This is also a mandatory field.

Project Status

Fig. 4: Project Status

Designate a project email. This will ensure that all incoming emails related to this project are directed to this address.

Email alias

Fig. 5: Email alias

If the following boxes are checked, they allow for various functions to be active in the project:

Billable allows for the project and all tasks within the project to be billable to the client.

Allow timesheet activates the timesheet app so the users can enter time spent on the project and tasks within the project

Require Tasks on Timesheets means users cannot enter a timesheet entry without a task.

Use Milestones will activate the milestones function in the project.

Some onscreen settings and configurations

Fig. 6: Some onscreen settings and configurations

Once everything necessary for the smooth running for the project has been selected, Click ‘Create’ to create without editing, or click ‘Create and Edit’ to continue editing the new project. Click the latter option to continue editing.

In the Project Edit screen, The status of the project is shown on the top of the screen.

Status Bar and Smart Buttons

Fig. 7: Status Bar and Smart Buttons

The following line shows a series of smart buttons; Documents, Tasks, Meeting, Timesheets, Active and Risks where if clicked on to, they redirect the user to the specified screen. The number visible on these buttons refer to the number items related with this project.

Create template

Fig. 8: Create template

Name of the tasks: Tasks can be given various names and don’t necessarily have to be called ‘Tasks’. They can be given names to suit their purpose in the project.

If the ‘Is Template’ box is checked, it will allow for the system to store the details of this project as a template for future use when creating projects.

Settings Tab

Fig. 9: Settings Tab

In the ‘Settings’ tab, there are fields such as ‘Project Manager’, ‘Sub-task Project’, and also ‘Privacy’, where the user can even select certain customers to have access to the project.

Set up ‘Time scheduling’ such as ‘Working Time’, Start and Expiration Date’, to accurately determine the calculation of hours spent working on the project.

Time Scheduling

Fig. 10: Time Scheduling

The ‘Milestones’ Tab is where the Milestones for this project can be set up, just by clicking the ‘Add an item’ button.

Milestones Tab

Fig. 11: Milestones Tab

The ‘Descriptions’ Tab is where the description for the project is entered.

Description Tab

Fig. 12: Description Tab

Under the ‘Emails’ Tab, write or edit the email alias, and also determine from whom to accept incoming emails to this address.

Emails Tab

Fig. 13: Emails Tab

‘Task Stages‘ Tab shows all tasks available for use. If these are insufficient, the user can create new task stages simply by clicking ‘Add an item’.

Task Stages Tab

Fig. 14: Task Stages Tab

Once all configurations and settings are completed with the new project, click ‘Save’

Save Button

Fig. 15: Save Button

Congratulations! You have just created a new Project.
