What is The Real Total Experience?

Overcoming Old Digital Transformation Habits

CloudOffix, Sinem Karabulut

What is The Real Total Experience?

Overcoming Old Digital Transformation Habits

29 Ağustos 2023 , Blog

Digital transformation isn't a luxury; it's a necessity. Initially, companies digitized their operations by implementing digital technology and transitioning data to computer systems. However, as time progressed, the dynamic digital environment introduced new demands. Merely improving the customer experience is insufficient in today's context.

In response, businesses started acquiring a diverse range of software solutions to cater to emerging needs. At first, using this method seemed like a good idea. However, it ended up causing a problem.

There are now many different software systems that companies use. Some are approved by the IT team, but others are brought in secretly, which is called shadow IT. This makes it tough to keep everything under control.

The consequences became apparent as costs escalated, encompassing subscription fees and the complexities of vendor management. Moreover, not all software seamlessly aligns with evolving requirements, prompting the need for costly customizations. As a result, businesses found themselves entangled and heavily reliant on numerous software vendors, creating a sense of operational constraint.

Companies are stuck using lots of different software from different companies. This is making things complicated and hard to manage. 

They felt tied down by all the different software they were using. But guess what? Getting out of this mess isn't as hard as it seems. It just takes the right approach and knowing that there's a way to break free from all these complicated software problems.

The Real Total Experience SolutionCloudOffix total experience tx features

To escape the complexities of managing multiple vendors and tools, adopting a Total Experience solution is the key.

But what does Total Experience mean? Essentially, it combines customer experience (CX), employee experience (EX), user experience (UX), and digital experience (DX). Now, how does this work?

Many total experience products in the SaaS industry claim to be low-code development platforms. They let you modify existing products or create new apps to fit your needs. But this doesn't naturally cover CX and EX, right? It's more of a tool for making changes.

However, Total Experience goes beyond that.

Gartner, thinks that by the year 2024, companies that use the "total experience solution" might be 25% better at making their customers and employees happy compared to other companies.

Also, they say that by 2026, about 60% of big companies will start using this strategy. This could make big changes in how these companies work.

Several companies have already embraced a total Experience approach. They prioritize both CX and EX, recognizing the inherent connection between them. Notably, they've also started digitizing employee experiences, focusing on the employee journey. But here's the catch: many of these companies ended up accumulating more tools – tools for managing CX, EX, and low-code development platforms.

The Total Experience Strategy represents a revolutionary approach that intertwines customer experience (CX) and employee experience strategy (EX) into a seamless framework. It recognizes that engaged employees drive customer loyalty, forming a symbiotic relationship that enriches customer journeys and fosters innovation. Unlike merging experiences into a singular entity, the strategy focuses on collaborative interactions while preserving their distinctiveness.

This still doesn't truly embody the Total Experience approach.

For a genuine Total Experience, a more comprehensive digitalization with unified technology is required. The solution lies in an all-in-one total experience platform where CX, EX, DX, and UX are seamlessly integrated. This platform can effortlessly offer an omnichannel experience and even enable the creation of multi-experience mx.

In essence, your tools for CX, EX, and DX should all be accessible on the same screen. You shouldn't need to open multiple separate tools.

Imagine you're working in sales: you open the CRM, then jump to invoices, and oh, you need to request a day off – so you open the leave management tool. This kind of back-and-forth is inefficient and costly, both for employees and the company.

Achieving a successful Total Experience strategy entails shedding unnecessary baggage for lasting digital transformation. Consider these points in light of the total experience:

  1. Streamline Tools: Eliminate the need for numerous tools dedicated to customer and employee experiences.
  2. Integrated Platform: Opt for an all-in-one platform where all experiences are seamlessly built-in.
  3. Integration Costs: Avoid additional expenses for integrating tools each time they're added.
  4. Unified Low-Code Development: Choose a Total Experience platform that naturally includes a low-code development feature without requiring extra tools.
  5. Flexibility and Adaptability: Prioritize a platform that's flexible and easy to adapt to evolving needs.

By doing this, you'll be prepared for any new requirements that might come up. This preparation will save you a lot of time and money, and it will also help you avoid the risks that come with using unauthorized or unmanaged technology solutions (shadow IT).

In simpler terms, if you use a system that can change easily when your needs change, you'll be ready for anything that comes your way. This saves you money and time, and it also makes sure you're not using risky technology that's not approved.

Illustrating with a real-life scenario:

Imagine a customer seeking to establish a 360-degree performance management system. They engage a company and invest in multiple tools, incurring substantial expenses. Unfortunately, the integration process takes six months, and the system's functionality falls short. 

Meanwhile, technological advancements occur, prompting them to reconsider their approach. However, they find themselves trapped due to the previous investment and even face fines to remove the problematic system.

This example underscores the importance of genuine digital transformation through a Total Experience approach, which prevents such pitfalls.

Integration, Collaboration, and the Quest for Unified Excellence

The concept of the total experience is rapidly gaining popularity as it aims to provide comprehensive experiences for both customers and employees.

Certain organizations are shifting from traditional help desk services to a more focused approach centered around experience management. Surprisingly, even providers of unified communications are acknowledging the potential of this realm and starting to explore it.

However, a notable challenge remains: creating a unified platform that seamlessly encompasses all aspects of the total experience. This challenge is compounded by the fragmented processes scattered across different systems.

The ability to scale effectively depends on harmoniously integrating these varied components. This integration is further emphasized by the crucial factors of customization and robust support for APIs and microservices. But what's even more exciting? Keep reading to find out in the next part of this blog.

Numerous companies are concentrating on improving both a great customer experience (CX) and positive employee experience (EX) by adopting integrated platforms. By centralizing data and analytics, these companies aim to enhance data analysis efficiency and establish strong connections between employee and customer experiences. However, merely integrating different tools with each other doesn't constitute a true total experience strategy in the long run.

The real key to success lies in a unified approach. Rather than seeking a combined platform comprising a suite of tools, companies should look for an all-in-one total experience platform.

The Power of Collaboration

All these elements cannot be separated from collaboration. Many companies use separate collaboration tools, enabling employees to engage in instant messaging, tag colleagues, and conduct video chats. But here's something fascinating: there's a platform where you can do all these tasks without clicking on different icons on your desktop.

Collaboration plays a pivotal role in a total experience approach.

Importantly, the power of collaboration extends beyond tools and technology. It addresses a common challenge: the silos that often divide different teams, even within top management. These divisions can hinder agreement and alignment.

While technology undoubtedly assists, true success hinges on effectively managing organizational change and uniting key stakeholders around a shared vision. Collaboration, in this context, becomes the linchpin that transforms potential chaos into orchestrated harmony.

CloudOffix: The Real Total Experience Platform

Achieving excellence in the realm of Total Experience necessitates a significant paradigm shift. Rather than the mere accumulation of tools, a holistic digitalization strategy is imperative. 

This approach envisions the creation of an all-encompassing Total Experience platform, seamlessly merging Customer Experience (CX), Employee Experience (EX), Digital Experience (DX), and User Experience (UX). The resulting platform not only streamlines operational processes but also fosters adaptability and collaboration by offering a unified environment for all facets of the experience.

However, embracing this transformative journey requires more than just technological adjustments; it demands a fundamental shift in organizational mindset. The key lies in prioritizing collaboration and integration over the fragmentation that often plagues traditional approaches. This calls for dismantling silos, nurturing alignment, and managing the intricacies of change with proficiency. Collaboration here is not just about the tools; it serves as the dynamic catalyst that converts potential disorder into harmonized synchronization.

As businesses navigate the intricate landscape of digital transformation, the Total Experience strategy emerges as a guiding light. It promises streamlined operations, heightened satisfaction among both customers and employees, and a sustainable culture of innovation.

By placing integration, collaboration, and a united methodology at the forefront, enterprises can shed the burdens of inefficiency and embark on a journey towards enduring digital transformation. This journey is one that paves the way for a future in which experiences not only flourish but also set new standards of excellence.

In the context of innovative approaches to digital transformation, CloudOffix emerges as a remarkable solution. CloudOffix stands as a comprehensive platform that encapsulates the principles of Total Experience. It seamlessly integrates CX, EX, DX, and UX into a unified ecosystem, transcending the limitations of fragmented systems. 

With its versatile tools and capabilities, CloudOffix empowers organizations to streamline their operations, enhance collaboration, and truly embrace the spirit of integration.

CloudOffix is a comprehensive and innovative platform that offers a holistic solution to businesses seeking to enhance their digital experiences. Unlike traditional approaches that require the integration of multiple tools, CloudOffix consolidates various functionalities into a single ecosystem, simplifying operations and fostering seamless collaboration.

One of the standout features of CloudOffix is its capability to address both Customer Experience (CX) and Employee Experience (EX) needs. By providing a unified platform that caters to these essential aspects, CloudOffix eliminates the need for organizations to juggle disparate tools and systems. 

The platform's App Builder is another valuable asset. It grants businesses the flexibility to customize their CloudOffix environment and create new applications as new needs arise. This adaptability empowers companies to tailor their digital experience solutions to their specific requirements without the constraints of rigid pre-built systems.

Crucially, CloudOffix distinguishes itself by offering collaboration tools natively within the platform. This eliminates the need to rely on separate tools for communication and cooperation. By embedding collaboration features directly within the platform, CloudOffix simplifies workflows and enhances team interaction. This integration further aligns with the overarching philosophy of Total Experience, where seamless integration and collaboration are central.

CloudOffix embodies the principles of the Total Experience strategy by providing an all-in-one solution that amalgamates CX, EX, DX, and UX. Its comprehensive nature obviates the complexity of managing multiple tools, while the inclusion of an App Builder ensures ongoing adaptability. The native integration of collaboration tools aligns with the emphasis on collaboration as a driving force for transformative change.

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